Massive Eruption Volcano Fuego

WE NEED YOUR PRAYERS as do thousands right now.  This afternoon Fuego erupted beyond what we’ve ever experienced before.  In addition to the ash, lava is rapidly covering villages and there are dead and injured throughout the Rodeo area (right near La Reyna where PBM has worked for years, built 158 homes, a Church Plant, and in March an airstrip.  We cannot reach anyone in the village, but we know there is death all around that area.

Our Pastor is helping evacuate all those he can, but some cannot be reached.  We cannot reach him at this time for an update.

We are safe in Chimaltenango as is the Mission Team, but the eruption whipped two of the bridges to get to the Coast (La Reyna).  PRAY with us tonight and for those, we love in La Reyna and the surrounding area.  We will update as we can.

Miracles needed

Many are asking how you can help.  Please follow this link…


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