A Long-Awaited Homecoming!

Hey PBM Family,

We celebrate with Bruce and Jen as after 111 days in Parkland Burn Center in Texas, they have been successfully moved to Florida…back to their home and family!  This is something they have longed for, for a very long time.  Mountains continue to be moved through the thousands that have and are holding the Van Fleets in your unceasing Prayers.  Bruce’s life being saved, and his amazing recover are miracles in and of themselves!

It is incredible to me, and of no coincidence, that as thousands of you are participating in the 30 Days of Prayer, AND that in our last post we’ve asked you to Pray specifically for our Village Impact program (which includes Aviation, and obviously the Van Fleets and Sullivans), that our Lord has answered so amazingly!  If what we celebrate with Bruce and Jen were all that came from this 30 Days of Prayer, that in itself would be a Victory…but we know, as “…we walk by Faith, not by sight”, that our Lord has so much more of HIS Awesomeness waiting for all who seek HIM with all their hearts!  You cannot out-give God…I dare you to try as we have 12 days left in this 30 Days of Prayer!

Jen and Bruce are remarkable individuals, and an inspiration to all they encounter in this journey few would choose.  Their hearts were to become missionaries, and that they already are, and forever more will be, as they minister to and inspire so many in their faith walk day by day.  They and the Sullivans will continue to need your Prayers for many months and even years, and I know you will walk alongside them with our Lord!  Jen shared much more in her recent post, which you can find here and from which you can also send words of encouragement to them and/or sign up for their updates!  “Now, unto HIM who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish infinitely more than we can ever ask or even imagine!”

HIS servant,


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