HIS Peace

You may not recognize it by its address in Numbers, but if you have been around “church” very long, you’ll recognize the precious words our Lord shares with us in Numbers 6:24 and beyond:

“May the Lord bless you and keep you;
May the Lord make HIS face to shine down upon you;
and be gracious to you;
May the Lord lift up HIS countenance upon you,
and give you HIS Peace!”

  In the original picturesque language of our Heavenly Father’s Living Word, this is one of the most beautiful passages we can recite (and put to memory)…especially if we ponder (think deeply about), and even check out a few other versions. All to grasp this bountiful blessing that is being gifted yet today, to those who follow HIM! Here it is again, with a few versions (not my words, HIS Words) blended together for emphasis:

“May the Lord bless you and keep [protect & sustain] you;
May the Lord make HIS face to shine [smile] down upon [& enlighten] you;
and be gracious [grant, gift grace] to you;
May the Lord lift up HIS countenance [look with favor] upon you,
and give [gift, lavishly upon] you HIS Peace!”

  What incredible Love and desire our Lord must-have for a deep personal relationship with us! To protect and sustain! To smile upon and enlighten! To gift HIS grace! To look with favor! To lavishly gift us HIS Peace! All this is almost Heaven itself! Being that Jesus HIMself is the Prince of Peace, then in that last verse, our Heavenly Father is thus promising us HIS only begotten Son and the Peace that only HE can offer! Jesus says in John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” In this time of difficulty, or any for that matter, Christ Jesus our Lord living within our hearts, is that blessing, a benediction that our Lord shares freely with us today…though it cost HIM everything.

HIS servant,
ps: Would you take a moment and reread those precious words as our Prayer and blessing over you today! Without you daily upholding this, HIS ministry in Prayer, Participation, and Partnering with us…we would soon cease to exist, and thus tens of thousands of “…the least of these” every year would be forever poorer, Eternally speaking. Thank you, and receive now HIS blessing and thus HIS Peace upon you and your loved ones!


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