Online Will Sites
-Proverbs 11:25
Every online will creation website provides a slightly different user experience, but they all provide a simple way for you to provide for your loved ones and the charities you wish to support. Follow the links below to choose the right one for you.
US Legal Forms
Paradise Bound Ministries does not, and will not engage in the practice of law. Therefore, it is important that you seek an attorney directly or through one of the online services listed for preparation of legal work. Paradise Bound Ministries cannot review your estate plan for legal accuracy; you must rely upon the legal advice received from your attorney or online legal service.
3 Ways to Avoid Family Heartache
Some families make surprising discoveries after a loved one dies. As one blogger recalls, “My mom’s step-grandpa told everyone he was an electrician that was often called to do repair jobs out of town. After he died, the family received a letter from the president of the United States, revealing he was actually a demolitions expert and worked in some sort of special ops bomb squad for the military. Even his wife had no idea.”
But not every revelation is such an admirable one. Some families discover their loved one was hiding an addiction or debt. Many children are stunned to discover they were omitted from their parents’ will – with no chance for an explanation. Not only is this bewildering and hurtful, it’s ultimately the last message a parent sends to their child. These heartaches can be avoided. Here’s where to start:
Romans 12:18 is a great reminder of how we should live with others –
and the lengths we should explore to keep peace even after we pass.
“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”