“The Most Amazing Week of Your Life!”

“The blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear…AND the Gospel is being preached to the poor.” Luke 7:22

Start to Finish?


Our Lord has blessed us with a home design that allows a team, even without construction experience, to start and finish multiple homes for the oppressed during just three days of construction.  Upon completing the home, the Gospel is shared with the family you have built a close relationship with.  That is tangible on this earth and in Eternity.

YOU Matter!


Our Lord has blessed us with a home design that allows a team, even without construction experience, to start and finish multiple homes for the oppressed during just three days of construction.  Upon completing the home, the Gospel is shared with the family you have built a close relationship with.  That is tangible on this earth and in Eternity.

All That Being Said…


Our Lord has blessed us with a home design that allows a team, even without construction experience, to start and finish multiple homes for the oppressed during just three days of construction.  Upon completing the home, the Gospel is shared with the family you have built a close relationship with.  That is tangible on this earth and in Eternity.

Home Construction, Medical Clinics, VBS,
the Gospel…and YOU!

Your Paradise Bound Mission Experience is eight days long yet will live in your heart through Eternity as you encounter and share Jesus Christ with those HE calls unto HIMself through you!  You do not need construction skills, medical training, or the ability to speak Spanish.  Let us handle everything; just come ready to serve, be served, and experience the joy of being the hands and feet of Jesus.

Our home construction, medical clinics, VBS outreaches, and Gospel presentations are designed for you to participate at whatever level you can, no matter your age or ability.  Our Guatemalan missionaries will handle the verbal Gospel presentation and invitation to accept Jesus Christ. However, you will be right alongside us and HIM as HE wraps HIS loving arms around HIS precious children for Eternity.

Paradise Bound Schedules Mission Experiences for:

  • Churches
  • Organizations
  • Adults, youth, families, couples, individuals
  • Or any combination of the above.
  • Businesses
  • Schools

Get In Touch

For more information on Mission Teams fill out the form below.

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