Seduced by the Good…

“It is SO EASY to be seduced by the GOOD to the NEGLECT of the BEST…
until BOTH the good AND the BEST PERISH”

My Friends, “the enemy of our souls is so good at being bad”, and thus “It is SO EASY to be seduced by the GOOD!”  The good, like; Family, Church, Serving God, Helping others, or even being at the helm of an amazing ministry like PBM…ALL good things.

The quote above is from “The Weapon of Prayer”, by E.M.Bounds.  Thus when the quote is specifically understood as about PRAYER, we begin to see that; “It is SO EASY to be seduced by the GOOD to the NEGLECT of the BEST [Prayer…our relationship with Christ].”  But look with me at the end result of our enemy’s plan: SO OFTEN we are all “seduced by the GOOD to the NEGLECT of the BEST… until BOTH the good AND the BEST PERISH…”

OUCH!  Did you get that?  Did you truly capture with your heart of hearts what that means?  IF we are neglecting Prayer…even for the sake of the good, the enemy has us right where he wants us.  And if the enemy has us right where he wants us…” BOTH the good AND the BEST [will] perish.”  That means even the good we were striving to do AND the BEST are lost.

PRAYER CHANGES EVERYTHING!  The enemy cannot stand against Praying men, women, and children…IN FAITH BELIEVING (our last post).

Join us as we approach ONLY 10 DAYS left in Prayer before the May 17th PBM Board of Directors meeting and the decision/discernment that is before us.  PRAY with us and for us these next 10 days (yes I’ve sent this one day early, but I feel a deep URGENCY for more PRAYER (the BEST)!

“PRAYER does not equip us for the greater work… it IS the greater work!”

HIS servant,


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