Celebrating God’s Faithfulness

Dear PBM Family,

   As you enjoy our latest Thank You video, we Pray our Heavenly Father’s blessings upon you and your family! 

   August was an amazing month; Sustaining Open Doors Orphanage (including the adoption of precious Genesis, Christian, and Walter [Estuardo]), a sibling set of 3, to their Forever Family! The long-awaited shipment of 55,000 Action Bibles has arrived and the 20,000lbs of food that was purchased is now being distributed to remote villages throughout Guatemala. Yet another incredible month of providing “The Bread of Life…unto the least of these!”

   August, however, had its struggles too.  After four months of our Daily Bread (PBM’s sustenance) being provided by our Lord through you, our amazing PBM family…we fell short of being able to sustain PBM and its outreaches in August by $4,000.  However, we know that we must maintain Faith and continue confidently in the calling our Lord has placed within our hearts to reach the lost, mattering not the cost.

   We have been at this very place many times before, and it simply forces us to our knees in Prayer, which in turn strengthens our Faith and deepens our relationship with our Heavenly Father in Christ Jesus our Lord! Pray with us, and for us, as a new month begins, ministry continues to ramp up, and HIS fields are oh so “white unto harvest!”

HIS servant,


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