
“I appeal to you [I beg you] brothers and sisters…
Do NOT be conformed to this world, 
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…”
Romans 12:1,2

Dear PBM Family,

  My heart aches today as I attempt to take in the world (the chaos) around us.  The world (the enemy’s ever-efficient tool) is continually vying to transform us.  News reports, candidates, ads/marketing, even friends, and/or other Christians that have lost their way.  There is a constant barrage.  If we are not careful, more than that; if we are not fully committed in the Love relationship with our Lord HIMself, and trust HIS Living Word (“the same yesterday today and forever…”), we will fall prey to being “…conformed to this [ever changing, ever chaotic] world.”  

  Paul desperately pens these words in Romans to those he loves and is called too; “I beg you brothers and sisters…”  He is crying out to those who have already accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.  Those who have invited HIM into their hearts. “I beg you brothers and sisters… Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed…”  My friends, let us not be deceived, the subtlety of the enemy’s work within the world and thus within our lives always leads to death: 

“…being lured and enticed by our own desires [planted by the world], when that desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin and sin, when fully grown, gives birth to death. Do not be deceived my beloved brothers and sisters.” James 1:14-16.  

  What then is our only defense against sure death?  Let me rephrase that; Who then is our only defense against sure death?  Christ Jesus our Lord, who defeated sin, death, and the grave and is seated at God’s right hand interceding on our behalf!  The ONLY way to not conform to this world and the death (spiritually and Eternally) that comes with it, is to renew our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus HIMself!  “…be transformed by the renewing of your minds” only comes in the presence of our Lord. Seek and thus find HIM!  Search for HIM as a lost treasure…as if our lives depended on it.  They do, now and forevermore.

  “I appeal to you [I beg you] brothers and sisters…Do NOT be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may discern what is the will of God-what is good, and acceptable, and perfect!”

HIS servant,

ps: A quote that helps me tremendously is this: “Is not the thing we spend (invest) the most time on, the thing that molds us most?”  May we ask ourselves that tough question. Are the things of the world molding us?  They are if that is where we spend (invest) the majority of our time and our heart.  Pray for transformation, and in that instant, everything changes!  Eternity changes in Jesus’ Precious Name!

1 Comment

  1. Jane Schutter

    Thanks Dan.Such good words of encouragement!God bless!


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