Exalted among the nations…

Exalted among the nations…

Dear Intercessors, Exalted our Lord is among the nations and through your Prayers for PBM over this last 30 days.  Our Board Mtg tonight was not typical, sit at the table and discuss.  Instead, it was devotion style, with prayer, worship, and sharing of our hearts,...
Discernment Day…

Discernment Day…

Dear Friends, 30 days and tens of thousands of Amazing and Incredible prayers being offered to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ have NOT gone unnoticed as we PRAY IN FAITH BELIEVING!  My life personally has been transformed yet again through your prayers and the...
Certainty in our Uncertainty!

Certainty in our Uncertainty!

 Living our “Whatever it takes…” mission life in Guatemala has brought Heb 11:1 so dear to our hearts.  Without Faith, “Whatever it takes…” would have taken our lives, our calling, our convictions long ago, and we nor PBM would not...
Without Ceasing…

Without Ceasing…

With Prayer (unceasingly) at the very heart of everything we do and are, rejoicing always and giving thanks in all circumstances is possible…is promised! Our desire is NOT to overwhelm you with emails, but instead encourage your heart in our Lord and Savior...
A Rare Delight!

A Rare Delight!

Prayer…a rare delight that is ALWAYS revealing some new beauty!  My friends, EM Bound’s words above have captured these last 27 days rediscovering Prayer in my heart and thus in my life!  A “privilege to be enjoyed”, not some duty we must or...
Hands, & Feet, & Wings

Hands, & Feet, & Wings

Intercessors, I hesitate to ask you anything more besides Prayer…so please accept the following as yet another invitation to Pray, Discern, and Act upon how our Lord leads you.  Our desire is to give you yet another way to Worship our Lord in a desperate time...